My Family Genealogy ..::..

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Welcome to my site presenting my genealogy work. My new domain hopefully won't be confused with The Religious Society of Free Quakers site. Although a traceable connection to their group probably exists for me I haven't delved that deeply into that aspect of my ancestry.

I'm working on making my pages mobile device compliant & it's a bit rough at the moment. I will work on the formatting.

Updated content: I found out that my paternal great-grandfather, Davis Sherman Hughes, was a bigamist. He was still legally married to my great-grandmother (who became hospitalized) when he got married and had a daughter with another woman. Click here to skip down this page to the associated images of documents.

This page displays the family genealogy record & other related miscellaneous documents (and a few photographs) that I have aquired. I have converted the scanned pages into plain text format. (note 2nd column pg 6 of the converted text on this page)

View the PDF of the original 7 page scans here.

Here's my 3rd-great-grandfather, William Davis Hughes from an established genealogist's site. (I've downloaded the entire section that includes William's entry and uploaded it to my web hosting.) I have located a copy of the death certificate for his younger brother, Lewis Marion, which lists the brothers' parents.

On the various online genealogy databases the descendancy of William D. Hughes from the Free Quaker, Lt Jonathan Hughes, has been established. (I noticed some discrepancy among the databases with the year of Jonathan's death. I will research that more.)
Jonathan Hughes (1753-1845) > Anderson Hamilton Hughes > William Harrison Hughes > William D. Hughes

I have a cover index page for the section David Attride's genealogy record database that I have uploaded to my site and I've also added some other informative links on that page.

There is another online source listing William Harrison and Christina Cress with 11 children beginning with George Henry: [HUGHES-L] Williamn H. Hughes, Ohio/Michigan, etc. ABT 1900 forward | John Ley on

Below is an excerpt from page 81 - History of Delaware: General History - John Thomas Scharf
where William Parsons Hewes, my great(x7) grandfather (& grandfather to Lt Jonathan Hughes), is listed as one of the jurors that was called (by William Penn) to serve on the first jury convened for a criminal trial in Colonial America.

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Other Sordid Details

So it turns out, my great-grandfather, "Sherman" (Davis Sherman Hughes), was officially a bigamist. My great-grandmother's death certificate that was issued from the central hospital (first image below) has her married to him (still) but he had a daughter in high school with his wife, Naomi F. Sheets, when my great-grandmother passed away in 1950.

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My Family Genealogy Record (in plain text)

The plain text pages are also viewable via the following links:

In the second column on page 4 of my record below is the note about William Davis and his brothers... & on page 6 second column is the entry for my father & mother, ect.

note: the text is searchable with web browsers just press Ctrl+f on the keyboard for search.

pg. 1

pg. 2

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pg. 3

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pg. 4

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pg. 5

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pg. 6

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pg. 7

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About Webpage & Author

I will continue to do further research & work on the webpage contents. Please check back for updates.

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